Thursday, March 09, 2006

This is permanently fixed on my cupboard as an inpirational reminder for me! :)

After dinner (about 11 pm) my brother and me were debating wether the glass he was holding was a toughened (shatter proof) glass or simple one... so we kept on banging a metal rod on it... and finally it broke! into hundreds of tiny tiny pieces (it was toughened glass indeed!) . Mom got angry about destructiveness!

And in jify she said " now that its broken... can any one put it together?"
I replied... "What if i do!?"

The bet was on! I had to put hundreds of shattered glass pieces back together !

my brother helped me collect the glass pieces from the floor.

Then i took red colored modelling clay (the ones which kids usually use for playing) and this white acrylic sheet you can see in the picture..

piece by piece.... like a jigsaw puzzle ( with out ready picture... and hundreds of pieces of glass)
I sat all night long and early in morning the shattered glass had been put together!

ofcourse I won the bet. I got a branded wrist watch! (which proved to be very lucky to me innumerous times!)

Actually I was not sure if I would be able to put it together or not... but i was sooo thrilled by the task that I just could not get up untill i had put in that last piece of glass together with others!


This shattered glass pieces put together gives me so much of energy and inspiration every time I look at it!

I hope it does to you too!

Many times when I wonder if I would be able to do something or not.. I simply look at this 'glass put together'... and I just *KNOW* how to think! :) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really liked the's beautiful.. I just blogrolled u...
keep the spirit alive..

7:45 PM  

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